Supposed to be a millionaire two summers ago, well according to MY time, which is irrelevant. But the truth is, I hadn't added the major component to my life, my Lord and His will. The Lord's plan for our life is ALL that matters. To not be on His side is suicide and I wasn't on His side or time. We've all heard the term, "God works in mysterious ways". I think that's a huge understatement.
Supposed to be in the NBA by now, well according to MY time, which is irrelevant. You see, the doctors said I'd be 6'4, and I believed them. My coaches said if I changed schools I'd get more recognition for my game. The newspapers said I was one of the best in my class. All of these voices, all of these opinions.. Irrelevant! The only voice, the only plan that has any validity to me comes from the One I put all my trust in NOW.
Supposed to marry my ex by now, well according to MY time, which is irrelevant. I wasn't faithful, I wasn't truthful and I at times I couldn't be trusted. All characteristics needed to sustain a successful love relationship. All things God revealed to me later on in my life. These things I have now, thanks to God and his mercy. I could have been that way forever, but He had something else in store for me.
All of these things we say, we were supposed to be, supposed to do, supposed to have mean NOTHING. You must have the right coach leading you in the right direction. We will always go through rough times and everything will never be perfect. But what is important is, GROWTH. We must be obedient and trust the outline for life God has for us. We're so quick to say everything happens for a reason, and in most cases it does. But we also have to remember we've been given the gift of free will, and some of the decisions we make can detour us off of the road we're predestined for.
Trust God through it all, and you will have it all, all that matters at least.
The Misinformation Machine.
1 week ago
Man bro I can feel you 110% on this one. I've been so hard on ME lately about the things that I felt I should have accomplished by now. Only recently have been able to lighten up on myself and realize that when things happen they will happen on GOD'S time and we all know God is never late nor early.