My homie just emailed me this.. They're usually lame but I'm bored so Ima go in..
1. My ex... is FUNNY! reality tv funny lol (why did that have to be first haha)
2. Maybe I should... make a pb&j, I love those.
3. I love ... my CHURCH. It's definitely the dopest/realest church in alll thee land lol.
4. People would say that I am... dope, fun, inteligent. I also know others probably would have more negative things to say.
5. I don't understand... this world. I know thats a broad statement, but I dont. A lot of the things that happen in and around my world are verrryyy mystery to me.
6. When I wake up in the morning... I can't see anything for about 3 minutes, I think I need glasses lol.
7. I lost... the dopest FUBU jacket ever when I was in 5th grade..I was SICK for weeks!
8. Life is full of... mysteries and questions. Walk your path to figure them out.
9. My past... is my past. Don't judge me man!
10. I get annoyed when... I introduce someone to something new, and then later on they try to tell me about it, like I wasn't the one who told them about it! What is that about??? I don't even want credit, but just be REAL.
11. Parties are... cool, I guess.
12. I wish... everyone in the world could be in a relationship with the person that was put here for them without going through a million other people. Extreme? Yea, but oh well its my wish!
13. Dogs... are real! I miss my late pup PUMA, RIP homie! Ima get another one when I get my own spot this summer.
14. Cats... are very weak and sneaky. I'm cool!
15. Tomorrow... Let's not discuss tomorrow. I still have a lot more to do today. Plus tomorrow is not promised.
16. I have low tolerance... for people with ulterior motives. I usually can spot this person early on, but if not, once I find out, its a wrap. I think thats extremely selfish and I'm cool on that too.
17. If I had a million dollars.. I'd give 10% to God. Then I'd spread atleast 300k between my family and CLOSE friends (some people would be sick). The rest would be mine, and I would flip it over and over between business ventures and other ideas I have.
18. I'm totally terrified of... not reaching the promises that have been made for my life.
19. My spouse... will be my bestfriend, my heart, my soulmate. Can't wait until you stop playing and come find me (maybe its the other way around lol).. But anyways, We're gonna wreckshop together, on some Martin and Corretta, Will and Jada, Magic and Cookie type stuff lmao.
20. My life... is full of blessings, ups and downs. But I love it. I'm living a movie!
SO yeaa I actually enjoyed this.. Lol
The Misinformation Machine.
1 week ago
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